My new favorite food blog!

I've never been much of a cook. My staples being maggi and coffee, through college. With a great cook as a mom, you don't really find the need to go into the kitchen very often (It's such a blessing :D). But things changed once I married a picky eater. Foraying into the kitchen for the very first time with no idea how to even use a pressure cooker can be a very scary experience. That's when I turned to the internet and the internet delivered, as always. Over time, I've found a set of blogs/websites that have helped me get better at making delicacies that are part of my culture, but also experiment with cuisines that are more exotic. 

My latest find is BongGong - a blog that showcases the similarities & the fusion between Bengali & Goan cooking. I love both cuisines, so I spend great amounts of time looking at the lip-smacking pictures of all the recipes here (I'm getting really hungry right now!). 

Go check it out. You won't be disappointed.